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Sexual Harassment Information and Resources

UW-Madison has embarked on a comprehensive effort to make sexual harassment a university community concern. This effort, vigorously and publicly endorsed by the administration, has involved refining and renewing an array of campus resources, designing and publishing informational materials, and offering informational sessions to all employees. A cross-campus team of facilitators presents informational sessions to deans, administrative teams, academic departments, and support units. These sessions use an inclusive, non-confrontational tone and, to personalize the experience, a case study approach. The Office for Equity and Diversity (OED) website Sexual Harassment Information and Resources and brochure, "Sexual Harassment: Defining and Addressing a Community Concern," present key principles, policies, and resources, and advice on what to do if you experience, are accused of, or are informed about incidents of sexual harassment.

OED encourages you to report incidents or concerns to your supervisor, manager, department chair, director, or dean for appropriate action and resolution. Sexual harassment (and other prohibited harassment or discrimination) also may be reported to OED, or to any of the campus administrative offices identified in the "Resources" section of their webpage.


Winchell, Jessica K. and Jennifer Sheridan. September 2006. "Evaluation of the Sexual Harassment Information Sessions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison." (PDF)