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Project to Assess Climate in Engineering (PACE)

PI: Suzanne Brainard, University of Washington; Jennifer Sheridan

Study Description

Funded primarily by The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation with a supplemental grant from The Engineering Information Foundation, the Project to Assess Climate in Engineering (PACE) is a multi-site research project intended to identify issues that affect persistence rates among Engineering undergraduates. PACE is headquartered at the Center for Workforce Development at the University of Washington and pays specific attention to the intersection of race, gender and academic experience . The core activity of PACE is to conduct a climate survey of undergraduate students at Engineering schools around the U.S., in order to assess student attitudes overall, as well as to provide select peer comparisons for participating schools. The UW-Madison is participation in the PACE project on a pilot basis.

Reports and Presentations

Survey Results

Non-Refereed Presentations