Study of Faculty Worklife at UW–Madison
Study Description
WISELI developed an extensive climate survey instrument based on the interview data from women faculty and staff in the STEM disciplines. The surveys have been funded by the National Science Foundation ADVANCE program, the Office of the Provost, the College of Letters and Science, the College of Engineering, and most recently, the National Institutes for Health and the School of Medicine and Public Health. The sample includes UW-Madison faculty in all divisions, and clinical/CHS faculty in the School of Veterinary Medicine. In 2010 and 2012, clinical/CHS faculty throughout UW-Madison were included. The first wave of data collection occurred in 2003, the second wave in 2006, the third wave in 2010, and the fourth wave in 2012.
The survey data have been instrumental to WISELI's efforts to transform the institution. A number of reports, presentations, and publications have resulted from the survey data, and more will come as the climate survey data have become an important campus resource on faculty and staff attitudes on satisfaction, climate, and more.
Protection of Study of Faculty & Staff Worklife Respondents
Survey Instruments and Results
(TT=Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty; CHS=CHS Faculty; C=Clinical Faculty)
Wave 5/TT: 2016
- Instrument
- Executive Summary
- Full Results
- Reports and Presentations
Wave 5/CHS & C: 2016
- Instrument
Wave 4/TT: 2012
- Instrument
- Executive Summary
- Full Results
- Reports and Presentations
Wave 4/CHS & C: 2012
- Instrument
- Executive Summary
- Full Results
Wave 3/TT: 2010
- Instrument
- Executive Summary
- Full Results
- Reports and Presentations
Wave 3/CHS & C: 2010
- Instrument
- Executive Summary
- Full Results
- Reports and Presentations
Wave 1: 2003
- Instrument
- Results
- Reports and Presentations
Wave 2: 2006
- Instrument
- Results
- Reports and Presentations
Use of WISELI Survey Instruments
Researchers are welcome to use any items from the WISELI faculty climate survey instruments. If any publications or reports are prepared that use our items, we would very much appreciate a citation in your materials.
To cite the instruments, please use the following:
- Sheridan, Jennifer; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Molly Carnes; and Amy Wendt. January 2016. “Study of Faculty Worklife at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016.” Climate survey instrument, Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty.
- Sheridan, Jennifer; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Molly Carnes; and Amy Wendt. January 2016. “Study of Faculty Worklife at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016.” Climate survey instrument, Clinical and CHS Faculty.
- Sheridan, Jennifer; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Molly Carnes; and Amy Wendt. January 2012. “Study of Faculty Worklife at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012.” Climate survey instrument.
- Sheridan, Jennifer; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Molly Carnes; and Amy Wendt. January 2010. “Study of Faculty Worklife at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010.” Climate survey instrument, Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty.
- Sheridan, Jennifer; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Molly Carnes; and Amy Wendt. January 2010. “Study of Faculty Worklife at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010.” Climate survey instrument, Clinical and CHS Faculty.
- Sheridan, Jennifer; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Molly Carnes; and Jo Handelsman. January 2006. “2006 Study of Faculty Worklife at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.” Climate survey instrument.
- Lottridge, Sue; Jennifer Sheridan; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Molly Carnes; and Jo Handelsman. March, 2003. “Study of Faculty and Academic Staff Worklife at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.” Climate survey instrument.
- Lottridge, Sue; Jennifer Sheridan; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Jo Handelsman; and Molly Carnes. January, 2003. “Study of Faculty Worklife at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.” Climate survey instrument.
Wave 5 Reports and Presentations
- Sheridan, Jennifer. March 30, 2017. "Results from the 2016 Study of Faculty Worklife at UW-Madison: Tenured & Tenure-Track Faculty." (PDF)
Published Papers
- Sheridan, Jennifer. April 26, 2017. “Study of Faculty Worklife 2016: Selected Results.” UW-Madison Deans’ Council. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. March 15, 2017. “Study of Faculty Worklife 2016: Selected Results.” Presented to the Committee on Women in the University. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. March 9, 2017. “Study of Faculty Worklife 2016: Selected Results.” Bias Research to promote Equity and Diversity (BREAD) research group. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. March 7, 2017. “Study of Faculty Worklife 2016: Selected Results.” UW-Madison Chancellor’s Executive Committee. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. December 16, 2016. “Study of Faculty Worklife 2016: Social Studies Division Selected Results.” Department of Urban & Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. December 13, 2016. “Study of Faculty Worklife 2016: School of Medicine & Public Health Selected Results.” Presented at the task force on diversity and climate in the Department of Medicine. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI.
- Flaherty, Colleen. April 12, 2017. " Madison Faculty Survey Finds Widespread Bullying."
- Schneider, Pat. April 10, 2017. " Survey: Frequency of bullying among UW-Madison faculty is ‘surprising’."
- Terrell, Ross. April 7, 2017. "Study: Budget Cuts Is A Top Factor In Declining Faculty Morale At UW-Madison."
- Käri Knutson. March 30, 2017. "Faculty climate survey shows satisfaction among many but room for improvement.” University of Wisconsin-Madison Communications.
Wave 4 Reports and Presentations
- Savoy, Julia N. and Jennifer Sheridan. May 30, 2014. “Departmental Climate in the College of Engineering: Evidence from the Study of Faculty Worklife.”
- Savoy, Julia N. and Jennifer Sheridan. January 10, 2014. "Results from the 2012 Study of Faculty Worklife at UW-Madison: Clinical & CHS Faculty." (PDF)
- Savoy, Julia N. and Jennifer Sheridan. October 30, 2013. "Results from the 2012 Study of Faculty Worklife at UW-Madison: Tenured & Tenure-Track Faculty." (PDF)
Published Papers
- Carnes, Molly; Patricia G. Devine; Linda Baier Manwell; Angela Byars-Winston; Eve Fine; Cecilia E. Ford; Patrick Forscher; Carol Isaac; Anna Kaatz; Wairimu Magua; Mari Palta; and Jennifer Sheridan. 2015. “Effect of an Intervention to Break the Gender Bias Habit: A Cluster Randomized, Controlled Trial.” Academic Medicine. 90(2): 221-230.
- Fine, Eve; Jennifer Sheridan; Molly Carnes; Jo Handelsman; Christine Pribbenow; Julia Savoy; and Amy Wendt. 2014. “Minimizing the Influence of Gender Bias on the Faculty Search Process.” In Advances in Gender Research: Gender Transformations in the Academy (Vasilikie Demos, Catherine White Berheide, and Marcia Texler Segal, Eds.) Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing.
- Anderson, Joe and Jennifer Sheridan. (Presented by Joe Anderson). March 9, 2013. “African-American Male Faculty Satisfaction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.” Poster Presentation. University of Wisconsin System American Multicultural Student Leadership Conference (AMSLC). University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Whitewater, WI.
- Anderson, Joe and Jennifer Sheridan. (Presented by Joe Anderson). November 9, 2012. “African-American Male Faculty Satisfaction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.” Poster Presentation. “Global Research on the Black Male Educational Pipeline: International Perspectives to Inform Local Solutions” conference. University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England.
- “Faculty of Color Face Unique Challenges at Mostly-White UW.” Anne Blackbourne. The Badger Herald. September 8, 2015.
- "Faculty climate survey shows most satisfied but room for improvement.” University of Wisconsin-Madison Communications. November 14, 2013.
- "Unwelcome: UW-Madison has work to do in building a comfortable workplace for minority faculty.” Pat Schneider. The Capital Times. November 13, 2013.
Wave 3 Reports and Presentations
- Savoy, Julia N. and Jennifer Sheridan. August 29, 2011. "Results from the 2010 Study of Faculty Worklife at UW-Madison: School of Medicine & Public Health Faculty." (PDF)
- Savoy, Julia N. and Jennifer Sheridan. June 6, 2011. "Results from the 2010 Study of Faculty Worklife at UW-Madison: Clinical Faculty." (PDF)
- Savoy, Julia N. and Jennifer Sheridan. June 6, 2011. "Results from the 2010 Study of Faculty Worklife at UW-Madison: Tenured & Tenure-Track Faculty." (PDF)
Non-Refereed Presentations
- Sheridan, Jennifer. October 6, 2011. "Engaging the Faculty in Diversity Efforts." (PDF) Presentation. Diversity Forum 2011. Madison, WI.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. August 26, 2011. "The Tenure Conversation: What Assistant Professors Really Think." (PDF) Presentation. Leadership Summit for Deans, Department Chairs, and Directors. Madison, WI.
- Anderson, Joseph A. April 12, 2011. “Faculty Satisfaction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.” (PDF) Poster Presentation. Undergraduate Research Symposium. Madison, WI.
Wave 2 Reports and Presentations
Survey Results
- Sheridan, Jennifer. February 8, 2007. "Climate Change for Faculty at UW-Madison: Evidence from the 2003 and 2006 Study of Faculty Worklife." (PDF) Report prepared for the Campus Diversity Plan Oversight Committee.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. December 13, 2006. "Climate Change for Faculty at UW-Madison: Evidence from the 2003 and 2006 Study of Faculty Worklife." (PDF) Report prepared for the Committee on Women in the University.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. December 4, 2006. "Department Climate in the College of Letters and Science: Evidence from the 2003 and 2006 Study of Faculty Worklife." (PDF) Report prepared for the Equity and Diversity Committee in the College of Letters & Science.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. October 31, 2006. "Perceived Benefits of and Barriers to Interdisciplinary Research at the UW-Madison: Evidence from the 2006 Study of Faculty Worklife at the University of Wisconsin-Madison." (PDF) Prepared for and presented to the steering committee for the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery.
- Sheridan, Jennifer and Jessica Winchell. 2006. "Results from the 2006 Study of Faculty Worklife at UW-Madison." (PDF)
Refereed Presentations
- Sheridan, Jennifer; Eve Fine; Jessica Winchell; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Molly Carnes; and Jo Handelsman. 2007. "Searching for Excellence & Diversity: Does Training Faculty Search Committees Improve Hiring of Women?" (PDF) American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2007 Conference Proceedings. Paper #992. June 2007.
- Sheridan, Jennifer; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Eve Fine; Jo Handelsman; and Molly Carnes. 2007. "Climate Change at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: What Changed, and Did ADVANCE Have an Impact?" Women in Engineering Programs & Advocates Network (WEPAN) 2007 Conference Proceedings (on CD-ROM). (PDF) Paper #0045. June 2007."
Non-Refereed Presentations
- Sheridan, Jennifer. April 8, 2010. “Departmental Climate at UW-Madison: Measurement, Action, and Change.” (PDF) Invited speaker, Science and Technology Studies Brownbag Seminar. Madison, WI.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. March 27, 2007. "WISELI: Improve Departmental Climate for Women Faculty and Faculty of Color" (PDF) (Poster). Showcase 2007. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. May 19, 2006. "Collection and Use of Climate Survey Data at the UW-Madison." (PDF) 5th Annual ADVANCE PI Meeting. National Science Foundation. Washington, DC.
- Fine, Eve. May 18, 2006. "Climate Workshops for Department Chairs." (PDF) 5th Annual NSF ADVANCE PI Meeting. National Science Foundation. Washington, DC.
Evaluation Reports
- Pribbenow, Christine Maidl; Jennifer Sheridan; Brenda Parker; Jessica Winchell; Deveny Benting; Kathy O'Connell; Cecilia Ford; Ramona Gunter; and Amy Stambach. October 8, 2007. "Summative Evaluation Report of WISELI: The Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute." (PDF)
- Winchell, Jessica K. and Jennifer Sheridan. September 2006. "Evaluation of the Sexual Harassment Information Sessions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison." (PDF)
Wave 1 Reports and Presentations
Survey Results
- Sheridan, Jennifer. September 23, 2004. "Preliminary Results from the Study of Faculty and Academic Staff Worklife at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: Selected Analyses of Two Category B Academic Staff Titles in the College of Engineering." (PDF) Report prepared for the College of Engineering Committee on Academic Staff Issues, UW-Madison.
- Sheridan, Jennifer and Jessica Winchell. 2003. "Results from the 2003 Study of Faculty Worklife at UW-Madison." (PDF)
Refereed Presentations
- Sheridan, Jennifer; Jo Handelsman; and Molly Carnes. August 14, 2004. "Assessing "Reading to Embrace Diversity": An Application of the Trans-Theoretical Model of Behavioral Change." (PDF) Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA. Slides (PDF)
Non-Refereed Presentations
- Sheridan, Jennifer. March 17, 2006. "Climate and Institutional Change: ADVANCE Efforts to Improve Departmental Climate." (PDF) Committee on Institutional Cooperation - Women in Science and Engineering (CIC-WISE) Group Meeting. Chicago, IL.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. April 21, 2004. "WISELI's Study of Faculty and Academic Staff Worklife Surveys." (PDF) NSF ADVANCE National Conference. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. April 13, 2004. “Study of Academic Staff Work Life at UW-Madison: Preliminary Results.” (PDF) Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education Academic Staff Institute 2004. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. February 17, 2004. "Implementing a Campus Climate Survey: Logistical Notes and Preliminary Findings." (PDF) Center for Demography & Ecology Training Seminar. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. January 12, 2004. "Women in Science & Engineering Leadership Institute at UW-Madison" (PDF) (Panelist). AdvanceVT Inaugural Workshop, "ADVANCEing Women in Academe: Voices of Experience." Virginia Tech. Blacksburg, VA.
- Sheridan, Jennifer. November 17, 2003. “Faculty Worklife at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: Preliminary Findings.” (PDF) WISELI Seminar. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI.
Evaluation Reports
- Sheridan, Jennifer and Deveny Benting. July 27, 2004. "Evaluation of the Tenure Clock Extension Policy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison." (PDF)
- Sheridan, Jennifer; Deveny Benting; and Christine Maidl Pribbenow. July 27, 2004. "Evaluation of the Women Faculty Mentoring Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison." (PDF)
- Sheridan, Jennifer; Deveny Benting; and Christine Maidl Pribbenow. April 10, 2006. "Evaluation of Childcare Needs and Practices at the University of Wisconsin-Madison." (PDF)
- Winchell, Jessica K. and Christine Maidl Pribbenow. April 2006. "Evaluation of the Gender Pay Equity Study and Equity of Faculty Salaries Policy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison." (PDF)