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Resources for Search Committees: Information for Prospective Faculty Members

Welcome! This webpage provides prospective and new faculty members with information about UW-Madison and the Madison community. Faculty search committees may share this website with newly hired faculty and faculty candidates who are considering a position at UW-Madison.

A note on terminology: In some links to campus and UW System web pages the terms "unclassified employees" or "employees covered by the Wisconsin Retirement System" are used -- they refer to faculty and to "academic staff" positions. "Academic staff" include researchers, instructors, and other positions in outreach and student services.

Because links and resources change regularly, please contact us to make suggestions for additions and notify us of corrections and/or broken links.

Information for Prospective Faculty Members*

Campus Community
Links provided by others

Information about the University, its governance and structure

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Information about employee leave and benefits

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Faculty development, mentoring, and support programs

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Campus offices and resources for childcare and work-life balance

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Campus resources for dual-career couples

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Campus offices and organizations
responsible for equity, diversity, and inclusion

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Campus offices and programs providing
resources and services for people with disabilities

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Campus offices and resources for international faculty and staff

Campus organizations and resources for the LGBTQ Community

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Campus religious organizations and institutions

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About Madison and vicinity

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Public and private schools

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Public schools

Private schools — no religious affiliation

Private schools — with religious affiliations

Cultural and community organizations and resources

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Religious organizations and institutions

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Madison's places of workshop are far too numerous to list here. The directories listed below provide links and information to places of workshop that cater to wide variety of faiths and denominations including: African Methodist Episcopal, Assemblies of God, Bahai, Baptist, Buddhist, Catholic, Episcopal Evangelical. Greek Orthodox, Islamic, Jewish, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Quaker, Sikh, United Church of Christ, United Methodist.

Resources for childcare and eldercare

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Resources for people with disabilities

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Resources for members of LGBTQ communities

Ethnic grocery stores, beauticians, and barbers

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Grocery stores

In addition to the directories provided above, see this Sept. 22, 2011 newspaper article on Madison's ethnic grocery stores, and the following:

Media outlets serving diverse communities

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Information provided here is based on earlier resources guides prepared by Sarah Pfatteicher for the College of Engineering and Dawn Crim for the Office of the Chancellor, Community Relations.