Eve Fine
Associate Scientist and Director of Curriculum Development and Implementation, WISELI
Eve Fine implements and conducts research on interventions and educational modules designed to increase the diversity of faculty and leaders in academic STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine.
Dr. Fine received her Ph.D. from the History of Science Department at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She relies on her historical background and training to identify and analyze research from a broad array of disciplines that pertains to contemporary women and underrepresented minorities in STEMM, to participate in WISELI's ongoing research projects, and to disseminate current research to academic communities. She is responsible for developing and administering WISELI's workshops, including Searching for Excellence & Diversity: A Workshop for Search Committees, and Assessing and Enhancing Department Climate: A Workshop for Department Chairs.
Dr. Fine's historical research and teaching focuses on the history of women as practitioners of science and medicine, the history of women as subjects of scientific research and/or theories, and the history of women as recipients and purveyors of medical advice.
In addition to writing WISELI's educational booklets and brochures, she has authored several articles and a book chapter on the history of women physicians, and is co-author of several articles on increasing the representation of women in science. Together with Jo Handelsman, PhD, Yale University, she recently published Searching for Excellence & Diversity: A Guide for Search Committees, National Edition, (2012).
- Contact Information:
- Dr. Eve Fine
- Women in Science & Engineering Leadership Institute
- 3065 Mechanical Engineering Building
- 1513 University Avenue
- Madison, WI 53706
- Phone: (608)263-1996
- Fax: (608) 265-5290
- Email: efine@wisc.edu